Auto Dealerships & Vehicle Finance
Mortgage Brokers & Real Estate Firms
Financial Advisory Services
Credit & Lending Companies
Accounting & Tax Preparation Firms
Insurance Agencies
Investment Firms
Consumer Credit Services
Any Business Handling Consumer Financial Data
Fines up to $50,000 per violation
Mandatory public disclosure of breaches
Personal liability for officers and directors
Potential federal court actions
Damage to business reputation
Loss of consumer trust
Many businesses think they're too small to be noticed or that compliance doesn't apply to them. That's exactly what the FTC is counting on. In 2024, enforcement is stricter than ever, with regulators specifically targeting small and medium-sized businesses.
Learn essential insights about:
Latest FTC Safeguards Rule requirements
Critical deadlines you can't afford to miss
Risk assessment requirements
Required security controls
Documentation requirements
Practical implementation steps
Common compliance pitfalls to avoid
Hello, 👋
After 30+ years of protecting River Valley businesses, I've seen firsthand how devastating compliance violations can be. The new FTC regulations are more complex and carry steeper penalties than ever before.
But here's the good news: proper compliance is achievable with the right guidance. Our free guide gives you the foundation you need to protect your business.
Don't wait for an audit or breach to take action. Download the guide today and take the first step toward full compliance.